Tuesday 7 May 2013

Struggling with engagement?

If you want to understand motivation and engagement you need to speak to people who really know what it’s all about…


Most organisations across the developed world are struggling with engagement; studies show that it's been dropping for almost ten years now and that the reasons for this drop aren't purely related to the economic downturn.

The link between engagement and financial performance is well established; when engagement drops output drops with it. In the UK alone this "engagement gap" is estimated to cost business £29Bn every year. In all sectors; private, public and voluntary, an increase in engagement drives better financial results.

The armed forces have some of the most engaged people on the planet; the level of motivation and engagement required to continually place yourself at personal risk is extraordinary and recent research conducted with soldiers returning from active service helps to explain the factors that really make a difference.

So if you want to understand engagement, try asking people who really know what it means...

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